Roset Boutique Hotel

Sturova 10, Bratislava, 811 02, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Book online now. Rates from EUR105.
Book online or call
US: 888-697-3791
UK: 0808 145 3715
EU: +800-8585-2345

Area information

Area description and directions to the main attractions for Roset Boutique Hotel.

    Airports Show all on map »

    • Bratislava, Slovakia (BTS-M.R.Stefanika) - 4.39 mi - Get directions »
    • Vienna, Austria (VIE-Vienna Intl.) - 26.07 mi - Get directions »
    • Piestany, Slovakia (PZY) - 46.21 mi - Get directions »

    Other attractions

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      • Brixton Academy - 0 f
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Roset Boutique Hotel
Sturova 10, Bratislava, 811 02, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

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